A rant about whatever comes to mind...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Shortest Post Ever?

BLAH!!!! Toronto Raptors lost today. Greatly dissapointed although we did come back from 20 point. behind to just 8-10 points behind. I must admit the New Orleans Hornets are really good. Mo Pete came back to home court finally. Aw I miss that guy. Such a great player... Can't understand why we traded him off. Hehehe yeah he misses us as much as we miss him. Can't blame him =P. I'm thinking I'm going to go buy myself a Raptors jersey as support.
I got myself yet another one of those stinking prom magazines. Yes, I'm still obsessing over finding that perfect dress after I lost my last one. It is quite depressing. I'm thinking of just going really simple but mommy keeps shooting down everything I point out. Bummer.
Tomorrow there is school, and lucky me the day after that both my CAS hours and my math portfolio will be due. Tons of fun isn't it?
Oh my friendD said that he wants to write a song with me! I'm excited. This should be fun. He's going to do the guitar/ song portion while I do the lyrical (?) portion.
Well I guess this is it for me tonight. G'nite gallaxy of stars!

1 comment:

Gabe said...

I am disappointed in you DDsweet_angel, no mention of nothing related to me at all today!

Besides, a girl talking about sports?! MADNESS.