A rant about whatever comes to mind...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Television Over-load

So it was a Friday today and so instead of doing any more work than I had to already I decided to indulged in some television. You know that box that flashes pictures really quickly with sound... the thing that I haven't really come into contact with since IB has taken my soul. Well lets just say that I indulged a little too much. Yeah I honestly just got off the television now and it's not even Friday anymore. Hehehe I managed to enjoy myself watching the following shows which have really inspired me and caused me to think. The first was What Not To Wear on TLC. I know! Such a funny show! I wish I could get $5000 to spend on clothing. But yes the transformation was impeccable. I was very happy with the results and kinda understood to the feeling that the girl was going through. She was 23 years old and engaged but dressed very trashy. She was an exotic dancer at one point in her life and kept most of the clothing. The most memorable thing about this episode was that the girl had this tail that she wore with everything! it was a tail with a tiny bell connected to the clip and she would wear it on her jeans, on her skirt, literally everything! I was bedazzled. But turns out she was a gorgeous girl underneath it all with a very childish attitude and brilliant sense of personality.

Following this shock of a show, and because I was too lazy to change the channel, I ended up watching this show called I Can Make You Thin with Paul McKenna, or something along those lines. Anywho the episode was about emotional eating, which I guess everyone suffers from. I found myself completely understanding what he was saying. And the amazing part was that this whole night I actually didn't snack on anything. I just drank water! It was shocking to me how his words rang true within me! He suggests that if one wants to lose weight that we take the time to savour our food instead of just gorging it down. This gives our body the time to process everything, as well as allows us to decide whether or not we feel full. He claims that what he is promoting is not a diet because you can eat whatever you like, just listen to how you're feeling and then follow those instincts.

And the last show, well not the last but almost last, that I watched and found quite interesting tonight was one on how Hollywood (on 20/20) has made situations such as rehab and drugs and drinking and made them into a game or a show. It is quite depressing looking at celebrities who are just one or two ages older than I am and seeing them get into car accidents, drinking and then puking their guts out, or dying from overdoses. Although abusing substances is not the only thing they do. Many celebrities end up exposing themselves which in turn lowers their value as a human. Also the show mentioned that many celebrities don't get the proper treatment that they need because the people around them, their "support system", rely on them to make money and so they can't afford to have the celebrities stay in the rehabs or else they may not have a career when they come back out.

All this got me thinking. You know back to that first show I watched with the 23 year old... well yeah NOW it makes sense why she dresses like a slut and such. Our perception of the media is so hidden behind tinted glasses that we don't stop to ask whether or not any of this, any of the things we are being shown is realistic or even healthy to our bodies. It seems that nowadays this idea of being rebellious and mistreating our bodies is a good thing. I'm quite saddened to see that this is my generation. These are the people I have to look up to. No I'm not saying that those are the only people out there, but they are the ones who usually end up getting front page news coverage, not so much the people out their dressed all proper and ate dinner with families and friends. Guess I'm a bit cynical about this right now but it is quite late. So I bid my farewell for tonight/ this morning, and I'll see you all on greener pastures!

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