A rant about whatever comes to mind...

Sunday, March 23, 2008


So yesterday I went to the mall with my friend to find that perfect prom dress... and well... I found it! Yay! It was a very perfect moment. My friend told me it was a tearing moment... lol how pretty I looked apparently. Anywho the store didn't have any more in my size, and we couldn't buy the one being sold because it had a lipstick stain on it and the straps that are used to hang up the dress was broken. The stuck-up manager lady said she'd give us a 15 dollar discount on it and that was it. Comon' that's not even enough to take it get cleaned! Also when we pointed out the mistakes that were on the dress she was so snooty about it! She was like oh but you have to cut off the straps anyways... What idiot in their right mind cuts off the straps of the dress (not the straps to wear)... how the heck are you suppose to hand you're dress up then??? Anywho so now I must wait until tomorrow to get my dress...

Mother also bought me a perfect pair of boots! It's one of those boots that are a must to every female's wardrobe. It is gorgeous and I love it. I've only recently discovered this whole infatuation with shoes thing that all females apparently have. I've spent so much money on shoes lately. I bought the sexiest most perfect gold open-toe pumps the other day to wear to prom which cost me about 80 dollars. Then I went to the trift store (Goodwill to be exact, and no I'm not ashamed, it's part of the whole going green thing) and got me a pair of knee high boots (pleather?) for just a mere 10 dollars! And finally yesterday the boots that Mom bought were 40 dollars and are ankle boots (suede)! Both boots are black in case you were wondering, but yes I love each and every one of the shoes.

Tonight I wil be going to a dinner party for my friend's birthday and will be able to use my brand new ankle boots. Woot! Oh the friend that came with me to the mall to find my perfect prom dress also came with me and my family to dinner at the Korean BBQ. Oh my was the wait long. Really fun as usual but still, the person seating us said that the wait would be 20 minutes, and he was, sadly, right... ugh I hate it when they're right!

these are not my shoes but similar. (My heel is so much sexier =P)

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