A rant about whatever comes to mind...

Monday, March 31, 2008

It's Going to be a Long Night

Well this blog goes out to Kaleidoughscope, I guess... Today during badminton Kaleidoughscope approached me and we started conversing. He mentioned that I would write this on my blog some time tonight wouldn't I? and so I responded with a "yes" and so here it is. I also promised I would write "I hate Kaleidoughscope". Hehehe
So tonight I must fight the daunting thing called sleep so that I may complete my math portfolio for tomorrow. I have completed my CAS portfolio though, a grand total of 354.75 hours! Such a relief to have that off my back now.
I seem to lately have this yearnng to go shopping. I really want to go the thrift store and splurge on some pretty items. Yes, I did say thrift store because I think that having to scrounge through racks and racks of clothing to find that perfect item is quite fun. It makes the item worth that much more in the end when you find it and are like "Hmm, I wonder why the person threw such a great piece away!" Yeah, maybe I'm crazy, or maybe I can see past that whole stereotype that everything at a thrift store is a rag. Someday people will realize how interesting and fun it is. I still have a couple of friend who think that thrift stores are gross and that they can't even begin to imagine touching, let alone wearing, the items on the rack. Oh but do you want to know what the best part about the thrift store is? NO TAX! =D You buy it at exactly the price that it says, no more, but sometimes even less.
Lately I've been trying to find pretty belts that I can wear around my waist to excentuate it, as well as pretty tops in bright colours. I'm also looking for a couple of great layering jackets with cute detailing on them. Yeah, lately I've been watching What Not to Wear and well it's slowly getting to me. Maybe I'll dress really badly for a while so that someone would nominate me so I can get $5000 to spend for a new wardrobe.
Anywho I must say good night now because that ugly math portfolio awaits. I'll be back soon with yet another rant about my life. Til then I salute you all!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Shortest Post Ever?

BLAH!!!! Toronto Raptors lost today. Greatly dissapointed although we did come back from 20 point. behind to just 8-10 points behind. I must admit the New Orleans Hornets are really good. Mo Pete came back to home court finally. Aw I miss that guy. Such a great player... Can't understand why we traded him off. Hehehe yeah he misses us as much as we miss him. Can't blame him =P. I'm thinking I'm going to go buy myself a Raptors jersey as support.
I got myself yet another one of those stinking prom magazines. Yes, I'm still obsessing over finding that perfect dress after I lost my last one. It is quite depressing. I'm thinking of just going really simple but mommy keeps shooting down everything I point out. Bummer.
Tomorrow there is school, and lucky me the day after that both my CAS hours and my math portfolio will be due. Tons of fun isn't it?
Oh my friendD said that he wants to write a song with me! I'm excited. This should be fun. He's going to do the guitar/ song portion while I do the lyrical (?) portion.
Well I guess this is it for me tonight. G'nite gallaxy of stars!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Television Over-load

So it was a Friday today and so instead of doing any more work than I had to already I decided to indulged in some television. You know that box that flashes pictures really quickly with sound... the thing that I haven't really come into contact with since IB has taken my soul. Well lets just say that I indulged a little too much. Yeah I honestly just got off the television now and it's not even Friday anymore. Hehehe I managed to enjoy myself watching the following shows which have really inspired me and caused me to think. The first was What Not To Wear on TLC. I know! Such a funny show! I wish I could get $5000 to spend on clothing. But yes the transformation was impeccable. I was very happy with the results and kinda understood to the feeling that the girl was going through. She was 23 years old and engaged but dressed very trashy. She was an exotic dancer at one point in her life and kept most of the clothing. The most memorable thing about this episode was that the girl had this tail that she wore with everything! it was a tail with a tiny bell connected to the clip and she would wear it on her jeans, on her skirt, literally everything! I was bedazzled. But turns out she was a gorgeous girl underneath it all with a very childish attitude and brilliant sense of personality.

Following this shock of a show, and because I was too lazy to change the channel, I ended up watching this show called I Can Make You Thin with Paul McKenna, or something along those lines. Anywho the episode was about emotional eating, which I guess everyone suffers from. I found myself completely understanding what he was saying. And the amazing part was that this whole night I actually didn't snack on anything. I just drank water! It was shocking to me how his words rang true within me! He suggests that if one wants to lose weight that we take the time to savour our food instead of just gorging it down. This gives our body the time to process everything, as well as allows us to decide whether or not we feel full. He claims that what he is promoting is not a diet because you can eat whatever you like, just listen to how you're feeling and then follow those instincts.

And the last show, well not the last but almost last, that I watched and found quite interesting tonight was one on how Hollywood (on 20/20) has made situations such as rehab and drugs and drinking and made them into a game or a show. It is quite depressing looking at celebrities who are just one or two ages older than I am and seeing them get into car accidents, drinking and then puking their guts out, or dying from overdoses. Although abusing substances is not the only thing they do. Many celebrities end up exposing themselves which in turn lowers their value as a human. Also the show mentioned that many celebrities don't get the proper treatment that they need because the people around them, their "support system", rely on them to make money and so they can't afford to have the celebrities stay in the rehabs or else they may not have a career when they come back out.

All this got me thinking. You know back to that first show I watched with the 23 year old... well yeah NOW it makes sense why she dresses like a slut and such. Our perception of the media is so hidden behind tinted glasses that we don't stop to ask whether or not any of this, any of the things we are being shown is realistic or even healthy to our bodies. It seems that nowadays this idea of being rebellious and mistreating our bodies is a good thing. I'm quite saddened to see that this is my generation. These are the people I have to look up to. No I'm not saying that those are the only people out there, but they are the ones who usually end up getting front page news coverage, not so much the people out their dressed all proper and ate dinner with families and friends. Guess I'm a bit cynical about this right now but it is quite late. So I bid my farewell for tonight/ this morning, and I'll see you all on greener pastures!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's That Time Again

It is that time again, the time to dig a grave and bury myself within it. Today we recieved our wonderful MATH PORTFOLIO!!! Woot what fun huh? Well actually I'm doomed to failure seing as I don't actually understand what the heck I'm doing! Ugh! Please kill me!

Anywho watched badminton games at my school today. The boys doubles A team didn't get to play which kinds of sucks because they're probably one of the better peoples on the team. We were so close to getting a perfect score today! ugh! We did lose one game though so... one point away?
So I watched the Raptors game today! Woot finally we won! 89-81 against Detroit. It was spectacular. I know hard to believe that a girl like me likes basketball but I do I really do. Anywho my favourite player would have to be Caulderon! He gave up his place in the starting line-up for the benefit of the team! Oh what a sweetheart!

Also I've in the past week or so I have watched the movie "Because I Said So" about a billion times. It's not that great a movie but for some reason I get this incredible yearning to watch it. Very strange. Well I don't have much else to say tonight... or this morning so I'm going to bed.

Adios Amigos!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Crumbling of My Life

NOOOOOO!!!! So lets just say my dispair is because the dress I want was not attainable. They had none in my size. I'm just a little thin for their liking. Ha! Well actually I'm a size 2 while everything they had was above my size. Also the dress cost 250 dollars and so I sure as heck was not going to buy a size up and then go get it fixed. If I were to buy it it had better be perfect already, like the size 2 was. Anywho so yeah dissapointed that now I'm back at square number 1 with my whole search for a dress thing. Hopefully this will be over before IB exams begin.

This reminds me, all the work a.k.a. labs are piling up and there's only a month and a bit of school left before those darn exams start! I"m honestly freaking out inside. Funny huh seeing as I'm still here writing in this blog. But honestly though, if I didn't write on here I'm sure I would explode from all the stress. Anywho teachers are now on our backs about the CAS hours. Personally I must say DO NOT LEAVE THE HOURS TO THE LAST MINUTE!!! I have a couple of friends who are currently still scurrying around trying to find their few left over hours. It's slightly amusing but also sad. I swear the IBO set the number of hours required this high to torture us.

Yeah sure 150 hours that's no biggie, and while you're at it I'll throw you a 4000 word extended essay that you have to die to finish. OH and if that isn't enough I'll top that off with a TOK essay that's sure to make you go insane and want to pull your hair out! Good luck! Oh and don't forget to complete all the other assignments that are NOT extra and study hard for your exit exams. Much love, the sinister IBO head, who is actually the devil masking as a person.

UGH! But yeah I am a bit dramatic...

Anywho time to go suffer what is left of my life as an IB student. Good luck to all who are also enduring my pain and for those who are just amusing yourselves with my miserable life, I must say you're all very lucky!

Monday, March 24, 2008

To Sum Things Up

So at close to midnight yesterday I came to the realization that it was one of my other friend's birthday. Lets call her V. Well indeed it was V's birthday and I hadn't said happy birthday yet so I was freaking out. I figured that just saying happy birthday on her facebook account would suffice. Hopefully she won't kill me.
Anywho so the party yesterday was fun. Very cute waiters there. We dared one of our friends (lets call her P) to give a note to the really cute waiter with her phone number on it sealed with a kiss. It was very amusing, but she ended up not doing it. Kinda disappointed about that. P was like "No, I'm too shy." when clearly it wasn't meant to be anything. It would have been very amusing if she gave it to that cute waiter and he actually ended up calling her! Ahahaha yeah...
Woot in about 15 minutes or so I will be going to Fairview Mall to get my prom dress. So excited! I'm currently debating whether or not I should bring my beautiful gold shoes to try on with the dress or not. I wouldn't want them to get ruined or anything and it'll probably just end up being extra baggage that I'll have to drag home all the way from Fairview (which is pretty far from where I live). I don't have too much to say today. Oh there's school tomorrow ugh! Anywho I'm going to go grab a bite to eat before my friend gets here and we head off. Maybe I'll write a post later, or maybe I'll write one tomorrow. Til then I bid you adieu!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


So yesterday I went to the mall with my friend to find that perfect prom dress... and well... I found it! Yay! It was a very perfect moment. My friend told me it was a tearing moment... lol how pretty I looked apparently. Anywho the store didn't have any more in my size, and we couldn't buy the one being sold because it had a lipstick stain on it and the straps that are used to hang up the dress was broken. The stuck-up manager lady said she'd give us a 15 dollar discount on it and that was it. Comon' that's not even enough to take it get cleaned! Also when we pointed out the mistakes that were on the dress she was so snooty about it! She was like oh but you have to cut off the straps anyways... What idiot in their right mind cuts off the straps of the dress (not the straps to wear)... how the heck are you suppose to hand you're dress up then??? Anywho so now I must wait until tomorrow to get my dress...

Mother also bought me a perfect pair of boots! It's one of those boots that are a must to every female's wardrobe. It is gorgeous and I love it. I've only recently discovered this whole infatuation with shoes thing that all females apparently have. I've spent so much money on shoes lately. I bought the sexiest most perfect gold open-toe pumps the other day to wear to prom which cost me about 80 dollars. Then I went to the trift store (Goodwill to be exact, and no I'm not ashamed, it's part of the whole going green thing) and got me a pair of knee high boots (pleather?) for just a mere 10 dollars! And finally yesterday the boots that Mom bought were 40 dollars and are ankle boots (suede)! Both boots are black in case you were wondering, but yes I love each and every one of the shoes.

Tonight I wil be going to a dinner party for my friend's birthday and will be able to use my brand new ankle boots. Woot! Oh the friend that came with me to the mall to find my perfect prom dress also came with me and my family to dinner at the Korean BBQ. Oh my was the wait long. Really fun as usual but still, the person seating us said that the wait would be 20 minutes, and he was, sadly, right... ugh I hate it when they're right!

these are not my shoes but similar. (My heel is so much sexier =P)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Universities of Doom

So I woke up today by the ringing of my cell phone. It was my friend. She's been accepted into Schulic (I hope that's how you spell it although probably not) and was very excited. I'm quite happy for her, but it could help but get me thinking about my prospective accpeptances. Had this wonderful school forgotten about little ol' me? So as is expected of me, I went onto their websites all eager and excited to see "decision pending" "no decision yet" and "in progress" on the sites of the universities I have chosen to apply for. It's such a let down. And so as a pick-me-up I went onto the website of the one and only school thus far logical enough to accept me to make me feel better. =D oh what a happy momment it was to get their acceptance. I would describe the feeling as that time when I was a child and I recieved all of the presents that I had wanted and then some... Sadly it's not the school that I want. Still waiting for that one envelope to truely make me the happiest person in the world. Hehe who would have thought that getting accepted into a school so you could take more tests and do more projects and give them YOUR money would make me happy. But apparently that's how it is in this society. Strange really...
Later today I plan to exert no effort whatsoever wrapping the presents that me and my friends got for my other friend's birthday. It should be quite entertaining... which reminds me... I stil don't know where we're going =S

Friday, March 21, 2008

Introduction to my life

This blog was inspired by the crazy commodities that have been occurring in my life as of late. I've had a sudden inspiration to go "green". You know, the whole save the planet, recycle your garbage and what not. So far it doesn't seem so bad. Actually, I'm having a lot of fun with this whole out look on life. So I guess along with my new found trail of going green this is a very late blogging rant about life as an IB (International Baccalaureate) student.

The life of an IB student at the end of the journey is not that much different from one who's just starting it. This horrible program officially begins to eat away at your social life, and personal life, and life altogether when you enter Grade 11. You enter not knowing that all they are doing is telling you completely fallacious promises. "Oh you'll get into great universities, the program is excellent and world renown, etc." but the one thing they forget to tell you is that you also must sign your soul away. It's one of the catches that come along with the program. Looking back now on the adventure of the program thus far I wouldn't say I regret taking the program, but indeed it is very rigorous.

In the end this is the life of an IB student. Those are the words that you'll chant. But the program is also guaranteed to teach you how to BS and procrastinate to the fullest.
Well that's it for today people, ta ta for now!