A rant about whatever comes to mind...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Job Hunt

So with Canada's booming economy and the exportation of jobs to third world countries because they have a cheaper labour market, this year's job hunt has become extremely difficult. Today my friends and I went downtown to the CNE in hopes to find a job. Today was their job fair and although that sounds like it would have been located in a major hall with posters explaining job positions and such, we sadly came to realize that it was nothing of the sort. In fact the "job fair" (if one can call it such) was located in a dingy room thing where the line up twisted and turned and stretched far outside the actual building itself. Ugh it was insane. I think my friends and I waited around one and a half hours to FINALLY get to the desk and that only gets me an group interview and my resume handed in. Honestly that kind of blows.
Now don't get me wrong, it's not like the CNE is the only place that I've applied to that has given me this impression. I've applied to pretty much all the stored in the major mall close to my house and well no one has called me back yet. I've also applied to a Mc Donald's, a factory line... pretty much anywhere I could have I've applied and yet not one phone call back for an interview. It can get quite frustrating sometimes. And I'm not alone in this issue my guy friend D is having the same problems as well.

So to end off my blog today I will quote my ingeneous friend S... *said in high pitch, enthusiastic child voice* "Snakes are people too!"

1 comment:

Susan Yu said...

It's true they are people too! Those of you who don't believe that are just inhumane child molestors!
