A rant about whatever comes to mind...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Time for Change... in the Sanctuary

So here are the photos I promised of prom. Yes I realize that there are no one's actual face is showing but that's for confidentiality and privacy reasons.
The pictures go as follows:
  1. The limo we took to prom with it's pretty lights.
  2. The place we had our prom.
  3. The place we ate.
  4. The prom king and queen's dance

In other news, the photoshop class I ended up taking was pointless because it was for old people who take way to long to learn a concept. Thus the "teacher", if one can even call him that (no offence intended), said that he refuses to teach me because it would just be a waste of my time and money. Saturday's are free again!

This weekend my father and I have begun the incredible task of re-doing my room like I wanted to a while ago. I've planned this entire thing for about 3 + months now. I've drawn the sketches and designed my new bed and everything! I say re-doing instead of renovating or redecorating because I'm not going to be breaking down any wallls, but it's not as simple as just moving a couple of things around either. We are pretty much building my bed from scratch. We will be changing the entire layout of the room. And a lot of things are being thrown out. I'm currently very sore from all the work I've done. I've had to sand 9 pieces of wood (various lengths) and then paint them. Ugh painful.

Speaking of painful. I've been following the UEFA 2008 Euro cup very closely and today's game hurt me to watch. OMG how did the Netherlands lose to Russia. Obviously they were drugged or something! Comon this is the team that beat the two final teams of the World cup by 3 points each! Oyy, well at least I know that my friend "I" will be celebrating his teams win and will be telling people about how awesome Russia is. Tomorrow's game should be interesting, Italy versus Spain.

Anywho tune in next time for more of my rantings. Toodles for now!

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