A rant about whatever comes to mind...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Recap of The Events

So I'm currently talking to my friend right now who is wandering aimlessly outside trying to get home. She's being so silly, something about rubber boots for splashing but right now she is splashing in the puddles with her leather shoes.... Genius I know!
There was a horrible thunderstorm outside about an hour ago, thunder and lightning and lights flickering. It was like something out of a horrible weather movie. It's been like that for a couple of nights now. I don't really know what to say other than ugh it sucks.
Well prom is now officially over and done with. I am quite happy with it. It wasn't as amazing as movies and stories have made it out to be but it was still quite fun. I will post some photos up of the event some other day. Oh yeah, I eventually decided to go in the green dress.
Since prom is now done with I have also cut my hair to donate it to cancer. I kind of feel weird with my short hair. I think I look better with long hair so this will be one of the only times I'll have short hair again. Well at least until I'm really old and don't care and have kids and are married. Lol, But that's still some time away.
Lately I've been wanting to get a dog. A schnauzer to be exact (the ones that look like old men). I have mostly everything thought out, the name will be Scruffy, I want it to be a boy but a girl seems like a better choice as long as she is spayed/nutered. I want it to be slightly older than a puppy so around 12 weeks old so that all the training and necessary shots will have been dealt with. BUT the only thing stopping me is that my parents are absolutely against the idea of getting any pets that are not fish. It's because of the experience with dogs and cats when they were back in Vietnam, but still it's completely different. Also they don't want to have to deal with all the fur shedding and the walks and etc. that goes along with getting a pet.
I will get myself a doggie when I move out. I just don't know when that will be. It could take a while... 2-3 years if I'm lucky, 5-7 if I'm not.
Well I need to get some rest because I'm attending a photoshop class tomorrow with my mother. Hehehe I will be able to manipulate photos. This should be entertaining.
G'nite fellow bloggers!

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