A rant about whatever comes to mind...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

They're Getting Closer!!!

Oh My Gosh! So it's May 1st. MAY FIRST!!!! I'm going to die. The IB exams are next week. I have exactly 5 days to learn everything I need for the history exam because you can't study for an english commentary! In the mean time I also have to manage to learn and or know everything else from every other subject I am taking. Also my house is being over-run by ants and so I have to sleep on my stinkin' loft bed which I do like but am not use to because I've been sleeping on the floor for the past 3 years or so.
GAH the stress is getting to me. I have no idea how I'm going to handle this. No idea whatsoever. Although I think the best thing for me to do currently is to go to bed. I most likely won't. I'll prolly turn on my laptop and play with it for a while since it has been almost a day and a half since I've played with it.
I know! How do I manage to keep my hands away? Don't ask me I haven't an idea myself. Anyways I'll blog more later. Right now, my laptop is calling out to me. Blog you soon my fellow people in blogger land.

1 comment:

Gabe said...


*Whispers* They're heeeeeeeeeere.