A rant about whatever comes to mind...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Breath of Fresh Air

So it's been a while since I last posted but you all knew that I had my IB exams and so a girls got to focus. Well the good news is it's all over and done with! woot! No more IB no more school (for now)! Speaking of school.. I have officially decided to go to Ryerson University. Why you may ask? Well my offer from UofT was not what I had expected... They sent me to a program all the way over in Scarborough (it took me 1 and 1/2 hours to get up there) for a program that I didn't even really want (psychology). They also gave me another offer on the other side of town in Missisauga for Studies in Chemical and Physical Sciences.... well that wasn't going to float my boat and so I chose to go to Ryerson, the one school which actually gave me what I wanted (Medical Physics). York ended up giving me some program called Health Management... So that was also a "No".
The rest of my pals (who are currently on vacation in Cuba without me, I know!) well they're all going to different universities. That's kind of depressing me because these are people that I have come to know really well over the course of my high school life! Seriously we did pretty much everything together, they were there for me through all my hardships and now we're all heading off on our separate paths, which who knows when they'll cross again! S is going to York for the Schulich program (not too far but she's moving houses so it'll be difficult to see each other), P is going to McMaster for environmental sciences, D is going to U of Ottawa for Biology, and T is going to Waterloo for an engineering program. I kind of wish I could move out of the house next year like they all are but I can't afford to. I need to find a job and start making some money!
Which brings me to my job search... God is it ever hard to find a job! Well I have mass distributed my resume throughout the mall and I hope that someone, ANYONE will call me back and offer me a job. Yeah it's most likely due to the fact that I don't have prior experience in the retail business but if I don't ever get a job how will I gain said experience? Meanwhile everything is going up in cost. Apparently gas prices have hit an all time high at 128.5 a Lt. That just sucks! Luckily I don't drive yet.
That also means I have to rely on my parents to drive me places, like to pick up my prom dresses on Saturday. Yup they finally arrived last week on Thursday and I went for my fitting on Saturday. They will be ready this Saturday for me to pick up! When the girls get back from Cuba I will finally have a dress to show them for prom (which is exactly one week from today!). Super excited for it. From what I can tell we're having ours really late. Everyone else I know has had their prom already or will be having it this week some time. Doesn't matter though. It will still be awesome.
Well just one more thing to say before I leave. Today is D's birthday and he is turning eighteen. Yup we're all getting old. Anywho this tid bit is for you, so when you finally find out my blog you will discover that I in fact did mention your birthday! Feel special... because I swear it won't last too long. Yeah I do abuse him a little much... Hope you like the present I'm MAKING, that's right I'm making it... ugh so much effort, so much caring... can't breathe!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

They're Getting Closer!!!

Oh My Gosh! So it's May 1st. MAY FIRST!!!! I'm going to die. The IB exams are next week. I have exactly 5 days to learn everything I need for the history exam because you can't study for an english commentary! In the mean time I also have to manage to learn and or know everything else from every other subject I am taking. Also my house is being over-run by ants and so I have to sleep on my stinkin' loft bed which I do like but am not use to because I've been sleeping on the floor for the past 3 years or so.
GAH the stress is getting to me. I have no idea how I'm going to handle this. No idea whatsoever. Although I think the best thing for me to do currently is to go to bed. I most likely won't. I'll prolly turn on my laptop and play with it for a while since it has been almost a day and a half since I've played with it.
I know! How do I manage to keep my hands away? Don't ask me I haven't an idea myself. Anyways I'll blog more later. Right now, my laptop is calling out to me. Blog you soon my fellow people in blogger land.